Find the way back after divorce, breakup, or loss of intimacy

Emerge stronger, more balanced, and more fulfilled...
ready to connect with the better life and love that awaits you.

Bridge the gap to your relationship goals

Along your journey with us...

Along the way we help you to : 

  • Find inner peace/healing
  • Move past negative beliefs that may be sabotaging true connection
  • Overcome mental obstacles associated with previous relationships
  • Identify what you genuinely (truly) want and value in an intimate relationship
  • Establish boundaries and values to help protect and align them with the right person
We’ll explore ways to reach inner peace and leverage that to focus on growth and living your best life
We’ll identify and work through obstacles that may be holding you back from true connection (to other people)
You’ll gain a deeper self-awareness, honing your ability to make purpose-driven decisions in life and love.

Go from where you are to where you want to be


I take special care to know you, your situation, and your goals. so that every step aligns with helping you breakthrough today and everyday forward.
From start to finish ATG is not about you following after or copying anyone else.. weyour way out will be unique as well.


Trust in the process and in one another is essential to relationship coaching success. This means your information and situation are always safe here.
From start to finish ATG is not about you following after or copying anyone else.. weyour way out will be unique as well.


Although I apply proven methods, how we factor them into your life depends on what works to best encourage and support your growth the the process.
From start to finish ATG is not about you following after or copying anyone else.. weyour way out will be unique as well.

Go from where you are to where you want to be


Your ATG Path

Aligned to your life


I take special care to know you, your situation, and your goals so that every step aligns with helping you breakthrough today and everyday forward.

From start to finish ATG is not about you following after or copying anyone else… your situation is personal, your way out will be unique.



Trust in the process and in one another is essential to relationship coaching success. You'll find comfort in an environment free of judgement, filled with respect, and safeguarded to encourage transparency.

You will find a safe harbor here that encourages you to face your fears and discover your true desires.


Although I apply proven methods, how we implement them into your life depends on what works to best encourage and support your growth during the process.
We’ll find the right solutions that help you to stop repeating the same mistakes of the past. You’ll plug into new personal perspectives that empower life-long transformation.
Vance helped me...

What started off as a lack became a chance to strengthen my heart and prepare my life for a new future.  

I’m there now.  Coaching helped unlock the steps and I was ready to do the work.  Vance helped me plot a course to my wedding day all the way back from the worst break up of my life.  

I’m ready to give the better “me” to my husband and to myself.

Thank you Vance for helping me to walk in my healing to arrive at the future I feel so very ready for. 

Latricia Kinset

Move forward and upward at the same time

a very unique path
You grow by walking step by step into the better life and better you - you desire. With ATG you consistently build your new foundation as you move on from the past.
Healing and Freedom

Begin with making decisions from a sober mind and a ready heart

Connect the Dots

Step back and see where you’ve been and where you want to go with fresh insights 

Renewing the Foundation

Begin building a new life or improving an exisiting relationship  by cultivating good ground within yourself

Facing and Embracing

Your path  need not be straight, but it should align back to the vision of your better tomorrow.

Grow through what you go through


The ATG Focus



We’ll explore ways to reach inner peace and leverage that to focus on growth and living your best life.

Focus on Healing / Resolving Issues / Regrouping

Help you strengthen for moving forward



We’ll identify and work through obstacles that may be holding you back from true connection. 

Focus on Your Unique Big Picture

Help you map out your own plan for success



You’ll gain a deeper self-awareness, honing your ability to make purpose-driven decisions in life and love.

Focus on completing your steps toward higher goals

Help you check against the plumbline of your priorities

1-on-1 Coaching

guiding while walking beside you

Designed to offer more personal live coaching and work together sessions.  You’ll also receive materials and resources to guide your progress and encourage consistency in your transformation.   Virtual, phone, and in person sessions available based on distance. 

On Demand Coaching

winning priniciples organized for diy

If you are ready to move forward and just want the principles and steps,  ATG self paced  resources offers a simple way to get going and get results.

The Journey

How I walk with you

1-on-1 Coaching

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On Demand Coaching

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Perception vs Reality

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Go Forward Carefully and Thoughtfully

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The ATG Vision

Strengthen your heart while lighting your path
I've walked the path I provide for others myself

I understand what is at stake – what you could lose by not properly caring for yourself and what you gain with greater clarity in your own goals and how to achieve them.

With this understanding in mind, I created ATG to help you:

  • protect yourself and those you care for as you make important decisions,
  • move forward without creating new wounds,
  • grow stronger to overcome the deepest hurts and most challenging situations.

My own experiences, coaching hundreds 1-on-1, and connecting with thousands more through media and presentations formed the vision pillars I share below.  

My Mission
To help men and women experience the joy of being in healthy, balanced and fulfilling relationships
My Promise
To offer a safe, supportive harbor for those wanting to transform their relationship journey.
vision pillar #1
Clarify where you are and what you want to achieve

I understand how difficult sorting through everything you face and feel right now can be. So my program starts by bringing clarity to the present moment and recognizing your big picture. We’ll discuss your priorities and design a plan that considers the challenges before you.


I will not diagnose you with any “condition” and I won’t judge you for how you feel. Instead, we will focus on the life you want to build by guiding you through a proven process to bridge the gaps.

vision pillar #2
Grasp new perspectives that bring greater peace and freedom
“Make sense” of dynamics that may have caused you pain for years.
Uncover what you truly want from a partnership and take steps to successfully build it.
Separate what you can control from what you cannot and find peace in both.
Master 3 strategies to take control of your life and actions: accept, change or remove yourself from the situation.
vision pillar #3
Build inner strength and confidence to reach your highest goals.
Regardless of your starting point – I designed ATG to help you gain strength as you move through the process.
We begin by  assisting you in overcoming the real challenges that can keep you in the starting blocks.

Then your first small steps towards success will help you recognize the light at the end of the tunnel.   As you gain traction, that light will grow brighter as you grow stronger, more confident, and more settled within yourself.

When you kindle your transformation each day– you will watch your commitment grow as well.
The discipline you nurture within yourself becomes the spark that sustains your long-term success in reaching even your most challenging goals.
Clarify where you are and what you want to achieve

I understand how difficult sorting through everything you face and feel right now can be.

Thus my program starts by bringing clarity to the present moment and recognizing your  big picture.   We’ll  discuss your priorities and design a plan that considers the challenges before you.

I will not diagnose you with any ‘condition’ and I won’t judge you for how you feel.

Instead we will focus on the life you want to build guiding you within a process to bridge the gap there. 


The true road is not a straight path and it is often bumpy, but if you trust the process you will end up reaching your goals. My relationship coaching is designed to strengthen and equip you for the journey we'll walk together.
Vance Taylor founder of atg

ATG Resources

Our Latest Service

Strengthen Yourself and Your Relationships

It’s Okay To Keep Your Guard Up

When it comes to intimate relationships and matters of the heart, people tend to think that being gu...

June 12, 2021
We Were Born To Heal

For those suffering from a broken relationship, I want you to know that God weaved into our very exi...

June 12, 2021
6 Things Men Should Know Before Approaching a Woman

Why is it that some men have more success meeting women than others Is it because they’ve been gif...

June 12, 2021

The First Step
Additional text here
The road is bumpy, but if you trust the process you will arrive -
"Kenneth Grahame strikes again with the latest novel!"

Discover More About Coaching

Coaching is more efficient because it focuses on the action from here to there.   This certainly includes areas like healing and clarity after breakup or relationship struggles.  Not in theory, but in actual practice.     Coaching asks participants to step back and participate in developing a plan for their vision going forward.  

Coaching is more efficient because it focuses on the action from here to there.   This certainly includes areas like healing and clarity after breakup or relationship struggles.  Not in theory, but in actual practice.     Coaching asks participants to step back and participate in developing a plan for their vision going forward.  

This is a Title

This is a Title

How it works?

Simple Steps to Success

It all starts with a single first step.

Learn about how them you went down prying the wedding ring off his cold, dead finger. I don’t know what you did, Fry, but once again, you screwed up! Now all the planets are gonna start cracking wise about our mamas.

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The plans you refer to will soon be back in our hands. Alderaan? I'm not going to Alderaan. I've got to go home.

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Self Development Course

Learn about how them you went down prying the wedding ring off his cold, dead finger. I don't know what you did, Fry, but once again, you screwed up!

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Implementation and rollout of new network infrastructure, including consolidation.


Complete The Project

Implementation and rollout of new network infrastructure, including consolidation.



Implementation and rollout of new network infrastructure, including consolidation.